Maria Giuliana

Dayton Jame’s Perfectly Depicts a Common Sensation in Relationships in New Single “UnderYourSkin.”

Maria Giuliana
Dayton Jame’s Perfectly Depicts a Common Sensation in Relationships in New Single “UnderYourSkin.”

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Today, artist Dayton James releases new single “UnderYourSkin” produced by DJ Agile and Matt Law. When speaking on the inspiration Dayton tells us:

I’d rather be ‘Underyourskin.’ than nowhere near you at all. I’d rather you hate me than not care about me at all. ‘Underyourskin.’ is a romantic song that depicts all the sides to a relationship that should be toxic, ‘drag my name through dirt and cuss me til there’s no more words’, but instead, it only shows how inseparable and unbreakable you are, no matter what happens. ‘And I’ll smile right through the worst, cause that’s what you’re worth.’ - Dayton James